Monday, March 9, 2009

Mondays Missives

Baby and his headlamp- exploring his world after dark.

  • Still thinking about the funerals I've gone to recently and how they affected me and the others who attended. I said something one day like,"Regardless of what's said at a funeral, I think it's important that if the dead person came to life and lie there listening- he should know who they're speaking about (or at least have a good guess)." One of the funerals I've been to that affected me in this way was a guy who was a great guy- he was generous, friendly, hard working and a family man like no other but, he was not the saint the preacher made him out to be and I don't think the preacher did his memory or the feelings of us there any good by making him out to be something he wasn't. I swear people held their breath and tensed up visibly when he would go on about things that everybody there knew better about.

  • Coolest album title ever: Blood Sugar Sex Magik by RHCP. Close second: Primus - Sailing the seas of cheese.

  • Visited an elderly aunt in the nursing home this weekend- it made her so happy she cried.

  • Sometimes, when people get older and facing their end they tend to drag the skeletons out of the closet don't they?

  • It seems like yesterday my nephew was a little toddler, today he's a basketball player in his junior high.

  • I can still spank that butt in a game of horse though.

  • God, my back hurts.

  • My knees aren't doing so hot either.

  • We also threw a football around.

  • My aching elbow.


LandShark 5150 said...

Those two albums are, dare I say --sheer greatness!Pork Soda isn't to shabby either.

el chupacabra said...

Sharkster you are right- and interestingly I never gave the quality of the album a thought when I challenged myself to name the coolest album titles.