Had Christmas at our house this year. I killed with grilled steaks and smoked ham.
The Christmas lights went up without a hitch- yesterday
I lost my brother in laws present. I have no answer for where it was other than just misplaced from I thought it to be. When I told him I don't think he believed me but, now I think were good.
Corn- what an abomination.
Chicken Express yeast rolls are one of natures most perfect foods.
I got a very nice coat and a good pair of gloves along with a nice winter beanie. Oh, almost forgot the really good quality socks.
I think I was being outfitted for homelessness.
My mind may be changed with other games and a better television but, I was disappointed in the Wii Sports on the Wii my children received.
Oh man my kids great grandfather is back in the hospital. The stroke he had was a bleed type. Hope is gone for him in this life.
If we lived every year and spent every gathering like it was our last we might find ourselves wishing for one more less often.
Young women (way too young) have a habit of firting with me and I don't know why. My bald head gets rubbed a lot and I get told I Look pretty good for an old guy etc. More than one woman I've been around has said something to the effect,"If that chick touches you one more time I'm slapping the..."
My neighbor died the day before Christmas Eve. It wasn't actually true I know but, when I went to the car for something yesterday evening the world seemed colder and darker when I thought of him.
I can be as hard headed as any man about my health but, I promise if I ever start having chest pain to immediately take an aspirin and call the doctor or go to the emergency room.
I have never made a New Years resolution.
My niece told her husband she was bringing Pumpkin Tarts for the dinner he got PumpkinSours stuck in his mind and could not figure out what on earth that could be and why anyone would eat same and at first cringed when he saw people reaching for one.
Smoked ham, broccoli and cheese cassarole, candied yams and yeast rolls with green tea- it's what's for breakfast, at least it was this morning.
out of all the mythical, blood sucking creatures out there, the Chupacabra is almost certainly the sneakiest
out of all the mythical, blood sucking creatures out there, the Chupacabra is almost certainly the sneakiest
Thank you, thank you very much- you fiend!
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