The warning came up for a movie earlier. It said, Rated R... No need to change into clean underwear.
When I did construction work I had a boss once who was pretty clean cut and seemed to have good hygiene- during the week. He also made a lot of money and could do anything he wanted with his free time on the weekends. His big thing to do? Absolutely nothing, the longer the weekend and the less he did the better he enjoyed himself. If it were not for remote controls he would not have even changed the channel (which would only be from one ESPN to the next anyway) He would not shave, brush his teeth, change his clothes or shower. I've been to his house on those days- disgusting. He bragged once about running his wife out of the house and throwing synthetic fiber clothes away they stunk so bad after some long holiday.
A loose association: in the movie Navy Seals Charlie Sheens character jumps out of a Jeep and screams, See you laterrrr! all the way to the water. If I'm lyin' I'm dyin' this guy did that when he was younger from the back of a pickup and nearly drowned after jamming his legs 2 feet into the mud that was covered by 3 feet of water in a drought depleted lake.
Just saw a video title that I didn't even have to watch to be suitably freaked out: How to remove a fish hook from an eyeball.
Today I drove through Pecos and Midland which are some of the areas most heavily affected by the most recent oil boom. Crazy- literally nuts. If you have read about it or kept up with the news or whatever and think you have an idea of what it is like out there, trust me you do not.
Sorry, unsure of when last point happened- spring 2019?
There are a lot more black people in every entertainment medium we consume. That is great. It is especially cool that they are getting more roles in horror movies without being a red shirt.
I have no idea who Tyler Perry is.
Recently I realised I have had sex with 2 more people than I usually count in my life total. One was the third and the other came much later- third from last.
Hilarious to me: Buffalo Hump's name was foisted on him by white people as his actual name meaning, Erection That Wont Go Away freaked them out too much.
Strange thing about having coffee essentially every morning for the past 30 years or so is even if I drink a energy drink and my teeth are literally grinding- I just don't feel right if I don't then also have a coffee before starting my work day.
I just tried to buy a picture frame at Michaels online. I say try -because the site was so slow to load , so hard to navigate, it was so hung up on needing to know my local store location and was just basically so terrible- I just got off of it.
Weird, they made it too hard for me to give them my money.