- At work yesterday I had two nursing buddies rolling on the floor in laughter- at a fart joke.
- People often think of hospitals and health care facilities in general as being super clean- sterile even. You should know the opposite is true- bacteria and virus are by nature highly concentrated there. Hospitals are where you go to get sick- if not already.
- Yesterday I had a black and Bleu burger with bacon at Shaws on Magnolia. Have them put the Bleu cheese on the side when you try it though.
- John Oliver on dialysis in the US.
- Paul's on Hemphill has changed their fries to a smaller, crispier McDonald'sesque type and they are fantastic. Previously their fries were not terrible but they could be a little doughie in the middle.
- Slow clap starting for you now Paul. Bravo my friend bravo...
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Wednesday's Digressions
bakers weatherford,
Chive meme,
Parker county,
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Monday, May 29, 2017
Monday's Missives
- "That's huge, and no one's talking about it. (To be fair, it's hard scaring people about Zika for ratings if you just told them even the worst diseases are conquerable.)" From a Cracked article about Sri Lanka being declared malaria free. The point was- this is a big deal and you should have read about it somewhere besides there ( or by extension, here I suppose). You could also ask, What if there was a minor uptick in drug resistant malaria in Sri Lanka? Well- you would not reading about it here or on Cracked- the headlines of every news browser would be screaming about it.
- The Police song Every Breath You Take has been playing in a loop for hours in my brain.
- Agony.
Soy sauce- because adding a sprinkle of salt to your egg roll would be... weird? - A server at one of my Asian places just graduated culinary school. I remember when she first came to 'Merica a few years ago. I tip her more than I should- because I should.
- I keep a couple of bottles of DEET containing bug repellent at home and even one in the truck but never seem to have it when I really need it.
- You cannot look for a repellent without finding one touted as a safer alternative to DEET. There is no alternative to it safer or otherwise. It is highly effective and safe.
- There is nothing wrong with DEET. We should be using more- not less.
Especially me apparently Omigosh. I'm gonna get the Zika for realz. - Weird: people who are only alive because of vaccines, pasteurization and antibiotics are opposed to vaccines, pasteurization and antibiotics...
- Humans are so weird.
- I am glad I am from Mars.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Wednesday's Digressions
- I have no idea what Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man is about- as in if my life depended on it- I could not give you a hint of what it is about or who starred in it.
- On reflection I think Peter Fonda is in Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man but I could be making that up.
Are you the vine reaching for the light or the one strangling the life out of that one? I figure I am the raccoon poop on the ground just out of frame. - There is an online company that advertises a ridiculously cheap loss leader every time I see one of their ads. I have scored a couple of times on their site and used to check back periodically but for the life of me cannot recall their name- something Tactical and they are based in California?
- A 39 dollar backpack from them that listed other places for 89 to 129 dollars fell victim to my shopping prowess but I don't recall the other product.
- This morning I saw an ad for a company that specializes in jackets based on movies. The Star lord one looked cool but I am too old for that stuff.
- Yes Idiocracy- you can be too old or too young for things.
- To be filed under none of my business but if I saw it others surely see it also: while having lunch with a buddy a person he worked with before in another place stopped by the table. Said previous co worker was as high as a kite. Said previous co worker is also a practicing nurse.
- Fascinating drone footage of suicide car bombs in iraq.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Monday's Missives
- A nursing buddy at work frequently borrows small amounts of money from myself and others. She always repays promptly on the next payday (I will sometimes forget she owes me until she comes around and puts a 20 bill in my hand) causing me to wonder- if she can always repay and do so on time why does she have to do it all? What I mean is she is not trying to meet an emergency need and she makes the same amount as the rest of us- how can she both come up short every week but make up for it every payday?
- Donald Trumps may be his own worst enemy and nothing (to me at least) demonstrates that fact like the insults he has shot out at Arnold Schwarzennegger's hosting of Celebrity Apprentice and Alec Baldwin's impersonation of him on SNL.
- Regardless- he needs to accept he won and act like it.
- Connected thought- there are multiple people whose blogs and articles I read who when President Obama won would say,"You lost. Get over it!" They look at it totally different though now that they are on the losing side.
- I guess they are just butt-hurt but it seems a bit disingenuous.
- I wonder if I spelled Arnold's last name and disingenuous up there correctly the first time. Also Celebrity Apprentice, that is the name of the show-right?
- The other day I scrubbed a curb with the wheel of my truck causing a scuff on the chrome. I literally hate that and am still ticked at myself for being so stupid.
- It would be nice to have a dog.
- A neighbor has again put up a, "Its a boy!" sign on their door. She has not been pregnant and I have never seen a baby with them.
curfew meme,
its a baoy,
set 02/22/2017,
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017
Friday's Dispatch
![]() |
In case you are wondering why there are bits of paper towel behind that switch plate they get stuck there when people use the towel they dried their hands with to swat the switch as they walk out. |
- The grounds and buildings of the first college I attended look nothing like they did when I attended 30 years ago. Yes, I know things change- especially over 30 years of time but I am not sure I would recognize it at all were I transported there.
- Holy smokes- it now costs over 20,000 dollars a year to go to school there.
- That is psychotic.
- My agreed oddly favorite song by Chris Cornell
- It was chilly yesterday morning.
- It is 0159 on 04/24/2017.
- I just looked up an old college friend who has a condition that can lead to a drastically shortened lifespan. She is still alive evidently.
- Good. That is a relief- it truly is a relief.
Ok, thanks I will try. - Zac crashed in the tub tonight (05/06/2017). When I went in to check on him the only thing out of the water was one eye, his nose and mouth.
- Mildly terrifying.
- My dad was known as being a bad man- he was no one to be messed with. Something most people would not have known about him though - he liked to crochet and do needlepoint. For real- I know he did the rote Home Sweet Home needlepoint that has been a mainstay for 200 years but he also did a black and white cat crochet project. It had a red collar or bow and bell around its neck.
- Wednesday (today is 05/08/2017) my order of Ethiopian coffee should arrive. It is time to see what the fuss is all about.
- Two different times now I have completely deleted a string of bullet point posts trying to add a caption to a photo here.
- A few months ago we had to reschedule some patients as our doc. was out sick. A few people (especially some foreign born) were shocked and literally said something like, But he can't be sick- he is a doctor!
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Wednesday's Digressions

- Where I live rent keeps going up which makes occupancy go down which makes rent go up... Except for the fact rent does keep going up; I have no idea how how much of the preceding sentence is true but it feels right.
- From my notebook on 11/01/2015 @1906: "Man, I love Harvest Moon". I have no idea what that means. Neils Young's song of the same name doesn't do much for me.
- Hot baths are a simple pleasure.
- Recently I tried to watch Tales From Teh Darkside. It was pretty bad. It was weird to see young Steve Buscemi and Julianne Moore.
- An old friend saw a mountain lion on the Brazos this morning. It seemed odd to me that in is his post he called it a,"puma".
- Whenever a group of religious nutballs predict the end of the world or when Sept. 11 is about to roll around a friend leaves his house and camps the night prior on his land and makes his wife take the day off. He lives in the middle of nowhere on 200+ acres. If he really wanted to be ready for the, End Times he should just stockpile some dirt to block his dead end and reasonably little known gravel road and go on about his life fishing and tending his cows. Ta-Da! Ready for the zombie apocalypse.
- Wow, land and homes are incredibly expensive today.
- Today is 04/29/2016. A friend just gave me some essential oil that is supposed to help me sleep. I am to put a drop on each shoulder. He uses another type for snoring by placing one drop on the bridge of his nose and one on each big toe. He is easily one of the smartest people I know.
- I weep for the species.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Texas City Names
I guess we name our cities after the things we are familiar with
Sun City, Texas 78628
Sunrise, Texas 76661
Sunset, Texas 76270
Sundown, Texas 79372
Sunray, Texas 79086
Sunny Side, Texas 77423
Monday's Missives
- Heard on the radio during my drive to work, This is JT here on the ride in with you. I love you.
- Somebody made good on a dare (or bet)I suppose but he is also maybe goofin' on Idiocracy right?
- Today (04/14/217) at Wildberrys in Weatherford I ate a sausage gravy and biscuits omelet with cheese and potatoes. You read that right- there was sausage gravy and biscuits in the omelet.
- It is unlikely anything better will happen to me for the rest of this day. We will see where tomorrow takes us.
- I have no good memories from my marriage but lots of great memories from my last long term relationship. This is so true- I consider the memories from the long term relationship a gift and I am legitimately thankful for them.
- Recently somebody I know, in nearly the same breath lamented their dire financial straits and talked about some new furniture they just financed.
- No they didn't need it- they already had serviceable items of everything they bought.
- Humans are sooooo weird.
- I am sooooo glad- I am from Mars.
weatherford tx,
Wildberrys weathefford,
woman in tub
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Monday, May 8, 2017
Quotable Notable
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.-- T. E. Lawrence
Friday, May 5, 2017
Deep Thought
If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.”
05032014 post,
2008 draft,
deep thought,
jack handy,
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
What A Long Week- And It Is Only Tuesday It Is Enough To Make You
Drop your clothes on the floor and dive into bed naked before 8 o'clock.
So that is what I have done.
So that is what I have done.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Monday's Missives
- What if I told you that when you see a sign that says, "2 left lanes of I30 eastbound closed due to incident" you should begin immediately manuvering to the far right lane and if I further told you that you should leave a couple of car lengths between you and the car in front of you and if you did these things we would all get where we are going much more quickly and safely- would that blow your mind?!
- The third season of Game Of Thrones is epic and everybody tells me it only gets better.
- Update: I have now started season 4- awesome.
- Between my copays and the actual monthly cost of my health insurance I cannot afford to see a doctor- that is amazingly psychotic.
- OK to be more correct- I can afford to see the doctor but if he orders a study or test I cannot afford that (and we can safely presume that is intentional).
- This morning (today is 03/01/2017) I heard a person on NPR mispronounce preventive as preventatatative. He also began his response to a question by saying, Duhh... He sounded sleepy or high.
- President Trumps is surrounding himself with hawks and intends to increase military spending. This should end well...
- Last night I ate an entire bag of beef jerky.
- At work recently after pestering me to get a phone a co worker finished her argument with, Besides we are all you've got. We have to be able to to keep in touch with you!
- I am not sure whether that was super reassuring or massively pathetic.
- There are refugee people whom as a group it is often difficult to tell how old they are. A woman could be 19 and look 40 or be 85 and look 30.
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