Thursday, August 25, 2016

As I have Mentioned Before I Work With Multiple People For Whom English Is Not Their First Language. Among These People, One Is The Leg Breaker Assigned To Collecting Monthly Coffee Money. What Follows Is Our Correspondence The Last Time I Was In Arears

Queridos señora ____________ os escribo esto para decirte que no tengo mi dinero de café en este momento, pero lo haré pronto. Ya ve usted que soy un pobre campesino de un pequeño rancho en Michoacán. Mi vaca que no da leche más. Mis hijos siempre están hambrientos y mi esposa me late. Apreciaré su entender mi situación.

Below is the translation.

Dear Mrs. ____________ I am writing this to tell you I do not have my coffee money right now but will soon. You see, I am a poor farmer from a small ranch in Michoacan. My cow she doesn't give milk anymore. My children are always hungry and my wife beats me. I will appreciate your understanding my predicament.

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

Qué coincidencia, también para mí lo mismo. Mis padres eran pobres negros de aparceros.